CHP Nearly Hits Cyclist on Glendora Mountain Rd. then Defends Actions
This officer’s actions are one problem, but a symptom of an even bigger one On July 11th Ken Adams and another person were cycling Glendora Mountain Road/Glendora
This officer’s actions are one problem, but a symptom of an even bigger one On July 11th Ken Adams and another person were cycling Glendora Mountain Road/Glendora
More than 340 cases of salmonella have been reported since August related to tainted cucumbers distributed by San Diego company Andrew & Williamson Fresh Produce.
We’ve passed the midpoint of the summer season, meaning it’s time to start thinking about the end of summer fun in San Diego or wherever
Why bother getting potholes fixed? Because they can damage your car, but even worse, they can take a life In an earlier piece about pothole damages and
Scientific studies conducted over the last few years are suggesting that texting and driving is as dangerous as severe intoxication is to driving. Back in 2009,
At the start of June furniture maker Pali Design of Canada recalled 20,000 pieces of children’s furniture, including armoires, dressers, hutches, and bookcases. The pieces
You may think potholes are insignificant. But a small hole can put a deep cut into your pocketbook – and even take a life! Who
Proposal would make California the only state where this motorcycle lane splitting is allowed—and regulated by law. Say you’re taking the freeway at rush hour, with
Don’t drink and drive would be a lot easier with these all over San Diego On May 16th, two young women were killed in a wrong-way
This National Bike Month, let’s commit to keeping cyclists safe. The risks are too great not to – for cyclists and for drivers! In honor
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