Inspection Letter Grades Required for San Diego Food Trucks


Since San Diego Food Poisoning investigations and failed restaurant health inspections are so common, San Diego county has moved forward with a new ordinance mandating that all San Diego food trucks be required to post inspection letter grades.

County officials say they inspect more than a thousand mobile food operations, but until now operators were not required to display the results.  Under the new ordinance, the food trucks will get decals instead of cards so the grades can’t be transferred among trucks.

Supervisor Ron Roberts tells 10News, “I want to ensure people here — whether they’re going to a restaurant in the conventional sense or a mobile food truck — that they can do that with confidence and know that those facilities have been inspected and certified.”

“The world is changing,” Roberts adds. “At one time we had drive-in restaurants, now we have drive-around restaurants.”

According to the county, of the 550 mobile establishments that sell to the public, around 300 are limited in scope, selling hot dogs and coffee. The rest are “hot food trucks,” “gourmet food trucks” and catering vehicles with complex menus and multiple ingredients.

Roberts said he hopes the county will begin putting the results of food truck safety inspections online, at the same website where the county shows reports on restaurants —

A QR code that can be read by smartphones will also be displayed on the letter cards.

San Diego Food Poisoning Attorney

If you’ve become severely ill after eating a San Diego food truck meal, please contact a San Diego food poisoning attorney Steven Elia. Steven Elia may be able to file a claim against the vendor responsible for the food you consumed. Give Steven a call to find out your rights and about the compensation you deserve.

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