STUDY: Cell Phone Related Accidents Underreported


Regrettably, many of us are acquainted with individuals who have succumbed to the temptation of responding to texts while behind the wheel. The ubiquitous presence of cell phones in our lives renders them a significant factor in distracted driving incidents.

However, it begs the question: are such accidents consistently documented? According to the National Safety Council, the answer is no.

Recent scrutiny of state and federal data reveals a troubling trend of underreporting fatalities resulting from cell phone-related accidents. In a study partially funded by the Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company, an advocacy group examined around 180 fatal car crashes spanning 2009 to 2011, where substantial evidence indicated the involvement of cell phone usage by the driver. Shockingly, only 8% of the crashes from 2009 were officially recorded as linked to cell phones. Even in instances where drivers openly confessed to using their phones during a fatal accident, nearly half of the cases were attributed to other causes.

How does study impact you?

What implications does this study hold for you? Underreporting creates a false sense of security among drivers, leading them to underestimate the dangers of distracted driving, such as texting while driving. Consequently, the National Safety Council has urged the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to initiate studies to explore the feasibility of estimating the number of car accidents caused by cellphone distractions, akin to those involving suspected drunk driving.

In 2011, out of over 32,000 traffic fatalities in the United States, only 385 were officially documented as involving cellphones. Despite these alarming statistics, distraction remains a pressing issue on the roads of San Diego.

Steven Elia, a dedicated San Diego Car Accident Lawyer, is committed to aiding victims in pursuing justice for the physical and psychological trauma inflicted upon them in distracted driving incidents. If you or a loved one has fallen victim to a distracted driving accident in San Diego, don’t hesitate to reach out to The Law Office of Steven Elia for assistanc

Steven Elia
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