San Diego Ranks No. 2 for Dog Bites and Dog Attacks


On the heels of the tragic news of an 8-month-old infant killed in a San Diego dog attack early this summer, it should be noted that the San Diego area, in general, is now notorious for dog-related attacks. This is according to the U.S. Postal Service, which says San Diego ranks No. 2 on its list of Top 25 Worst Cities for Dog Attacks against U.S. Postal Workers.

This is the second time San Diego has claimed this dubious title.

Officials say there were 45 dog bites on postal workers countywide and 5,669 dog bites suffered by postal workers nationwide. San Diego maintained its number two spot for city suffering the most postal worker dog attacks with at least 68 suffered county-wide.

The Elia Law Firm, APC urge everyone – parents, children, postal carriers, bike riders, ect. – to use caution when out in neighborhoods. We’ve handled many dog attack cases and successfully pursued dog bite injury claims against dog owners to recover:

  • Medical expenses.
  • Lost wages.
  • Personal pain and suffering.

If you or a loved one is hurt, or killed, because of a dog bite or dog attack of any kind, contact Steven Elia for experienced legal representation. Only the best dog bite attorney in San Diego, like Steven Elia, can make all the difference.

Steven Elia
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