Meet the Attorneys

Steven Elia →

Maura Griffin →
Attorney of Counsel

Garrett Groom →
Associate Attorney

Injury Attorneys

Trusted. Respected. Successful.
San Diego Top Attorney

We're proud to be one of San Diego's "Top Attorneys"

For over two decades, our team of personal injury, civil litigation, and business attorneys have been recognized for the positive results we achieve in helping people resolve their injury claims, navigate corporate legal transactions, and prosecute or defend their cases in court.

Our unique collaborative approach to legal services means you benefit from the perspectives and experience of one or more attorneys assigned to your case – as well as the assistance of paralegals, investigators, and experts.

Elia Law Firm Accident Injury Laywers in San Diego
San Diego Top Attorney
personal injury law icon

Personal Injury Law

Who's paying your medical bills?
Should it be you? Let's find out.

Business law attorney services

Business Law

Our business clients trust us to clear them of legal mishaps and trouble.

civil litigation attorney services

Civil Litigation

Is your dispute at a standstill? We can move it past the roadblocks.

Meet the Attorneys

Steven Elia →
Maura Griffin →
Attorney of Counsel
Garrett Groom →
Associate Attorney

"After about a two year litigation process my case ended up going to a two week jury trial and we won, with a substantial award and favorable verdict. Not once did Steve and his team let me down, but most importantly they believed in me through the entire process. They made me feel like family."

5 stars icon

We Want To Be Your Lawyers for Life

As an indicator of the trust they place in us and the satisfaction they’ve had with our legal services, more than 95% of our clients are people we have worked with in the past or who have been referred by previous clients.  That says a lot about the expertise we provide and the results our clients get.

Specifically, here are 9 ways we distinguish our practice from the competition and why referrals are such a big part of our practice.

We Care.  Sadly, many lawyers don’t care about their clients or their cases and do the bare minimum.   We see this lack of care, diligence, and attention to detail from other lawyers almost daily.  We truly care about our clients and the outcome of their cases and strive to push hard on each and every case we take while paying close attention to details.  Each time we take on a case, we are staking our reputation on the line and that means a lot to us.

Communication.  We will call you back the same day or within 24 hours.  We get phone calls from new clients complaining their current attorney isn’t calling them back.  We don’t abandon our clients and realize communication is key to the success of an attorney client relationship.

Work directly with one or more of our skilled attorneys.    While our paralegals are key members of our team, your case will always be primarily handled by an attorney who will be supported by a superstar team of paralegals, investigators, and experts.  Every initial and important meeting will be with one or more of our attorneys and we encourage you to speak with our lawyers at any time.

Free general legal advice. Prior to engaging our firm, you are never billed for general telephone calls for legal advice. Before you sign that important contract, first call our office to discuss your legal rights. The call is free and we strive to get back to you the same day.

Trusted Experience.With a combined total of nearly 4 decades of legal experience, our lawyers are not afraid to step into a court room to argue motions and try cases.

Latest technology in the legal profession. Our cutting edge software and other up-to-the-minute technology give us an edge over your opponents. We are better organized and more efficient, which translates into a streamlined work flow, lower fees, and a better experience for you.

Files are digitized and easily retrievable at any time. We maintain a copy of your entire file for 10 years rather than the minimum 3 years mandated by the State Bar of California. We can email you a PDF copy of any part of your file literally in seconds, which makes life easier if you need a specific document ASAP.

Off-site backup of your important files. We take extra steps to protect your important files, using a sophisticated RAID array backup system on our local servers. In addition, your files are backed up every night to a secure off-site San Diego location. Finally, we add a third layer of protection with a backup to a secure out-of-state location.

Our San Diego law firm is fully insured. We are proud that, since inception in 2001, we have never had a claim or lawsuit filed against us. Yet we still maintain an errors and omissions insurance policy for everyone’s protection.

"Thank you guys for an amazing job! Please fellow yelpers if you're considering hiring an experienced attorney for a motorcycle related accident or personal injury case look no further."
personal injury law icon

Personal Injury Law

Who's paying your medical bills?
Should it be you? Let's find out.

Business law attorney services

Business Law

Our business clients trust us to clear them of legal mishaps and trouble.

civil litigation attorney services

Civil Litigation

Is your dispute at a standstill? We can move it past the roadblocks.




Protect yourself!

If you’ve been injured through no fault of your own, you may deserve compensation. Don’t go it alone. It’s very likely an attorney can get you more and get you fully compensated. 

Request a free phone consultation now. Find out what your case is really worth! We will also send you our “20 ways you can ruin your case” PDF to print out and help you even more!