Don’t suffer more than you have to.
If you’ve been injured in a construction site accident, you may deserve compensation. And if you’re in the San Diego area, you need us.
The personal injury lawyers here at the Elia Law Firm in San Diego are experts in all aspects of personal injury and construction accident litigation. Committed to our clients’ rights and health, we stand up for clients in court and are relentless in winning for them the compensation they deserve.
Construction accidents and injuries can be especially severe.
Heavy equipment used, materials lying around, and not-yet stable structures, all pose the risk of seriously injuring unsuspecting construction workers, or even mere passers-by. When construction sites are not properly maintained, and safety standards are not put into place or are simply ignored, the potential for personal injury greatly increases, and individuals exposed to worksite dangers are susceptible to sustaining serious, catastrophic injury up-to and including death.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that more than 33% of deaths that took place at construction sites in 2007 were the result of falls. Construction sites are inherently dangerous, and an individual’s propensity for losing their footing is greatly increased at construction sites as a result. Consequently, all necessary and available safety precautions should be put into place to ensure that a construction worker is afforded every possible chance at being safe.

Proper training ensures safety. Did your foreman provide that?
Proper training needs to be provided for every individual on a construction site in San Diego. It is the responsibility of site owners and foreman to make sure that their employees are not put into harm’s way. They are also responsible for ensuring that each construction site employee is made aware of the dangers of not only the site as a whole, but of the individual dangers that he or she will face on a daily basis through uses of heavy equipment. Training sessions and other instruction should always be given in their entirety, and expenses should not be spared in making sure that construction workers are provided the best safety training possible.
Equipment maintenance is also required.
It is also vital that equipment used on San Diego construction sites is properly maintained to ensure that the equipment will neither fail nor malfunction, and will not place its operator in any sort of danger. Failure to properly use equipment can result in catastrophic injuries such as loss of limb or possible loss of sight or hearing. All federal guidelines need to be strictly followed to ensure that all individuals on, and around, construction sites are safe.
Failure to adhere to safety guidelines can be classified as negligence.
Damages resulting from the negligence may result in compensatory damages to be paid out to construction accident victims to help with the costs associated with their injuries, such as medical bills, physical therapy fees, loss of wages, and pain and suffering.
Put our expert construction injury attorneys on your side in San Diego or anywhere in California.
Don’t stand back and take a token settlement for your construction injury. We have a 95% success rate in obtaining a monetary reward for our clients. We can get you what you deserve.
If you have been injured in a construction accident in San Diego or surrounding areas, don’t hesitate to contact our office today for a free evaluation of your case with one of our attorneys. If you hire us, we will examine every detail surrounding your accident, and will civilly prosecute the negligent party to hold them accountable for their actions and seek compensation on your behalf.
Don’t delay – you may have limited time to retain an attorney and file a civil lawsuit. So call today for a free case evaluation. There is no fee until we win!