How Much is the Average Dog Bite Settlement in California?


How Much is the Average Dog Bite Settlement in California

If every encounter with a dog ended with a wagging tail and tummy rubs, the world would be a better place. Unfortunately, thousands of encounters every year end with emergency room visits, rabies vaccine verifications, and a new phobia of dogs. When someone else’s dog bites you, you could be entitled to compensation. Learn more about the average dog bite settlement in California and factors that may affect how much you receive. To discuss your case in greater detail, call the team of San Diego dog bite attorneys at Elia Law Firm, APC at 619-444-2244.

With a deep passion for personal injury law, the dog bite lawyers at Elia Law Firm, APC, have helped many dog bite victims secure fair and full compensation after painful attacks. One of our clients received $424,000 after a dog bite to the hand, and another secured a settlement of $225,000 after a dog bite on their lip. Several victims received maximum insurance policy payouts of $100,000 after dog attacks. We know what it takes to hold dog owners accountable.

Dog Bite Laws in California

When a dog bites someone who is lawfully on public or private property, California law states the owner is liable for the damages caused by their dog. For example, this would include someone walking down a street when he or she is approached and attacked by a dog who got out of its fenced yard or slipped off of its leash. Even if a dog has no history of aggressive behavior or bites, the owner is still liable for their actions the very first time they bite. 

How Much Do Dog Bites Cost Homeowners and Insurance Companies?

The Insurance Information Institute maintains extensive data on dog bite claim frequency and how much these claims cost every year. In 2023, California had the highest amount of reported dog bites by a wide margin—2,104 compared to 1,532 in Florida, the state with the next highest amount of dog bites. In total, these claims resulted in $143.3 million in payouts.

However, California does not have the highest average dog bite settlement in the country. The average settlement in California was just over $68,000, which is well above the national average of $58,545 but significantly lower than the highest average payout of $73,800 in Illinois.

Dog Breeds Most Likely to Bite

Any dog of any breed is capable of biting at any time—remembering this can help you be cautious and safe while approaching dogs you don’t know in public, or even dogs you are familiar with. Every dog has its limit, and it may react unexpectedly and violently when that limit is reached. Still, there are certain breeds that pop up more frequently in dog bite reports. These include American pit bull terriers and those categorized with pit bulls, which are known for their intense jaw strength.

Other dogs known to bite and cause serious damage include Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Huskies, Doberman Pinschers, and Great Danes. While smaller dogs are absolutely capable of biting, their small size and limited jaw strength means that their bites are less likely to break the skin.

Factors Affecting Your Settlement

While the average dog bite settlement is a useful statistic, there are many factors that affect how much you may receive as a dog bite victim in California. First, the circumstances of the bite come into play. If you were antagonizing the dog or ignoring its fear signals, that may lower the value of your claim. Second, the amount of injury sustained heavily affects how much you may recover. A bite that causes nerve damage and limits your use of a limb could affect you for the rest of your life, compared to a superficial bite that will cause minor scarring. However, disfiguring injuries—such as those to the face—can also cause pain, discomfort, and psychological trauma, which increases the value of your claim.

Injured by a Dog? Call the Dog Bite Attorneys at Elia Law Firm, APC Now

If you have been injured by a dog in Southern California, it’s time to meet with the team of San Diego dog bite lawyers at Elia Law Firm, APC. We understand the difficult circumstances you’re facing, and we’re committed to helping you seek justice. Reach out online or call us at 619-444-2244.

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