Officials: Children at High Risk for Pedestrian Accidents in the Fall


Did you know that autumn marks the most perilous period of the year for children? The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that during this time, children face an elevated risk of pedestrian accidents. Officials attribute this to the reduced daylight hours, which diminish visibility for drivers, making it challenging to spot children walking to school or waiting at bus stops.

It is strongly advised that adults accompany children, particularly those under the age of 10, on their journey to school. Additionally, officials stress the importance of educating all school-going children about basic traffic safety measures, such as crossing streets cautiously.

For children who commute to school by bicycle, it is imperative they receive training on safe biking practices and consistently wear helmets.

Furthermore, it’s essential for children who take the school bus to understand the concept of the “10-foot danger zone” that surrounds the bus, encompassing approximately 10 feet in front, behind, and on the sides. These are the areas where accidents are most likely to occur.

In the unfortunate event of a pedestrian accident involving you or your child, seeking assistance from a knowledgeable injury attorney is crucial. It’s essential to engage an experienced attorney like San Diego Personal Injury Attorney Steven Elia, who possesses comprehensive understanding of the law and can effectively handle your claim to secure the compensation you rightfully deserve.

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