Smaller Vehicles Just as Safe as SUVs in Auto Accidents


Car accidents in San Diego are nothing new. They happen on our roadways almost everyday… and we hear about them on the television daily. What many of us don’t realize is that the automobiles involved in these accidents – especially injury accidents – involve cars of all sizes: from Suburbans and Escalades to small Hondas.

Is there really such a difference between which type of vehicle will keep you safe in an accident? Not really!

Many people justify purchasing a larger car because they believe it provides greater safety for their family and themselves, but in reality, larger high-riding vehicles are no safer than smaller cars for their occupants, and they often pose a much greater danger to other drivers.

According to federal research, accident fatality rate for SUV occupants is actually slightly higher than that of smaller vehicles.

Far and away, rollover accidents are the most serious threat to SUV owners, claiming the lives of more than 10,000 individuals each year. Nearly 300,000 of these accidents are reported annually, and this is due primarily to the high center of gravity of many SUVs.

Other transportation statistics include:

  • Inexperienced drivers are more likely to flip their vehicles than experienced ones, but rollover accidents happen to anyone.
  • 92% of rollovers are initiated by a vehicle being “tripped,” which can be the result of striking a curb, a road guard, or another lower riding vehicle near them.

If you are injured in an SUV accident, it is important to understand your legal rights and know your best options  when seeking legal compensation. San Diego personal injury attorney Steven Elia believes that no one should be penalized for an accident that was caused by the negligence of another driver, and he will work with you to ensure that your case is handled properly and with the utmost care.

Steven Elia
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