Help Prevent Drunk Driving Accidents in San Diego


The Associated Press has reported a distressing incident where a drunk driver hit three teenagers on a sidewalk, critically injuring them, before crashing into a restaurant and injuring two adults. This event underscores the dangers of drunk driving.

The report draws attention to the high number of motor vehicle accidents annually, with distracted and drunk driving being significant contributors. In 2008, California alone witnessed over 450,000 vehicle collisions, with a notable portion involving alcohol in San Diego County.

The article stresses the importance of avoiding driving under the influence to prevent such accidents. It challenges the misconception that being “buzzed” doesn’t impair driving abilities, emphasizing the undeniable impact of alcohol on safe driving.

Steven Elia, an experienced San Diego auto accident attorney, is highlighted as a resource for those seeking justice and accountability for accidents caused by negligence. He offers legal support to victims of various accidents, including those involving vehicles and pedestrians.

Steven Elia
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