A personal injury, no matter how large or small, is no laughing matter.

Good news is if you’ve been injured in an accident due to the negligence of another, you can fight back with our expert Escondido personal injury attorneys.

Personal injury can cause devastating medical complications and financial woes, and we know how stressful this can be for victims and their families here in Escondido.

Luckily, personal injury victims in California have many rights when a negligent actor causes them injury.  And a local Escondido personal injury attorney can help them get the compensation they deserve. That’s where we come in. We are experts in all aspects of personal injury litigation and negotiation, and the list of cases we accept are below. We are also local to the Escondido area.

What does being local have to do with your personal injury case?

A lot. We know the community. We know the streets here in Escondido. We know the local ordinances. And we are also well-known and respected in the community.

But it’s also because we live here in San Diego County that we care so much. We fight hard for all our clients whether their case is large or small because they are our neighbors. But we also fight hard because San Diego County is our community too. We love helping to make it a safer place for us all.

We don’t skimp on what’s important

Our client-focused practice doesn’t skimp on what’s important. When necessary, we file suit and aggressively prosecute the case until resolution or trial.  We explore all legal avenues on a client’s behalf and utilize a leave-no-stone-unturned approach to discovery and investigation. And because of our tenaciousness on behalf of our clients, we obtain a monetary recovery for our personal injury clients over 95% of the time in Escondido and throughout the state of California.

What compensation may you be entitled to for your accident injury?

  • Property damage
  • Past, current and future medical bills
  • Past, current and future lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment

Putting a monetary value to each of those is what personal injury attorneys do for their clients, and then we fight hard to attain you what you deserve. As in all personal injury cases, you are up against a behemoth in the insurance company which does not have your best interests in mind. They goal is to pay you as little as possible, and you are at a disadvantage if you try to take them on yourself. There is no need. That’s what we are here for. Let us fight the battle. 

We fight. You win.